Meet Amos, my amazing Goldendoodle! **NEW**
This page is for Amos, my amazing Goldendoodle, and the inspiration for this site. How is he amazing? Well, he has this incredible ability to consistently affect my family in so many positive ways. Let me explain….when you really think about how many times your dog has made you smile, hung out with you while you were sick, or left his comfortable napping place just because he felt the need to be near you….that is amazing. I often catch my dog watching my every move….who else would care if I got up to get cream for my coffee, or crouched down to wipe a spot off the kitchen floor? You got it….no one, but my amazing dog. Who else would never ask me to explain why I spent too much money at the store, was crabby all day, or was too lazy to clean up? And did I forget to mention how cute he is? How did he get so cute? I ask him all the time but he remains modest and I sense he hasn’t developed a bit of an ego. So this is my explanation of why my dog is so amazing….ah, the power of a dog….simply put.
******** (Photos will be updated frequently so check back often to see what Amos is up to!) ********
July 2015 ~ Amos hanging out on his favorite chair…..again….

December 2014 ~ Amos gets a new toy! Happy Holidays everyone!
October 31st, Halloween 2014 ~ Amos was patient enough to wear his Halloween costumes for a few of our trick-or-treaters, the kids thought it was great!
June 2014 ~ Amos had a great weekend playing with 4 year old Nina, a Beagle/Terrier mix. But, come Wednesday the storms blew in, and between the winds, lightning, and thunder, Amos decided to take refuge in the shower!

Amos & Nina play

Amos hiding from the storm!
On April 15th Amos underwent surgery to remove two benign tumors. He is recovering well despite multiple attempts (and successes!) in wiggling out of the post op cone. Needless to say, these are not his favorite pictures!
At night we give him a break from the cone and put 2 t-shirts on him (which he has come to know as, “putting on his jammies”).
Best buddy Joey comes to play……winter 2014……
Amos & Joey do their best Santa Claus impressions…..
Winter fun 2014…..

Benny the Goldendoodle!
Thanks for sharing. Here’s our new Goldendoodle, Benny.
Post by: Terri 8/18/14
Thank you so much for posting the love you have for Amos.
I lost my beloved Standard Poodle after 15years of undevoted love
I didnt think I would ever want to adopt another Poodle but after reading
story. It reminded me of all the joy we bought to each other and I know she
would want me to give another puppy the kind of bond we had
Post by: Jim 12/16/14
Rescue puppy, Coco. She is 7 months and still growing. Don’t have any idea what to expect.