Bich-Poo (also known as Poochon, Bichpoo, Bichon Poodle)

Mix: ½ Bichon Frise & ½ Poodle
Size: Toy size = 6 – 12 pounds, miniature size = 13 – 18 pounds, height ranges 9 – 14 inches
Coat: Coat is medium long, coarse in texture, with loose curls. Coat color is usually white, but can also come in black, apricot, or blue. Low to no shedding.
*Many people with allergies prefer Poodle mixes as their fur is more hypoallergenic than most dogs (a characteristic inherited from the Poodle)
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Bich-Poo (also known as Poochon, Bichpoo, Bichon Poodle)
A Bich-Poo (also known as Poochon, Bichpoo, Bichon Poodle) is a mix between a Bichon Frise, and most often the toy or miniature sized Poodle. They have a small, but sturdy appearance, weigh anywhere from 6 – 18 pounds, and stand approximately 9 – 14 inches tall. Most often their coat is white, but other colors can be black, apricot or blue. Their coat is coarse, medium long with loose curls, and requires frequent brushing and grooming in order to prevent mats and tangles. They are a highly intelligent, affectionate and loyal dog. Though small in size, they make good watch dogs as they will alert their owners to unusual or suspicious sounds with a hearty bark. They may bark excessively and should be taught at an early age when it is okay to bark and when it is not. They are very smart, will adhere quickly to obedience, and easily learn tricks. They are quite playful, but not overly energetic, and require only moderate exercise. They can adjust to all types of living and are suitable for the apartment dweller as well as a family. Their sweet, and friendly temperament allows them to get on well with children, however, they fare best with the older child who has learned the rules of pet handling. Getting along with other household pets, such as dogs, cats, or other small animals does not pose an issue as they seem to blend quite well with other living things. They have an average life span of 12 – 16 years.
When considering the nature of the Bich-Poo you must consider the characteristics of both the Bichon Frise and the Poodle separately in order to determine the characteristics the Bich-Poo may exhibit.
Bichon Frise
The Bichon Frise is a lively and happy breed that is gentle, sweet, sensitive and playful. They were bred as a companion dog and as such have proven to be very friendly to everyone, as well as possess the ability to get along well with children, and other animals. Like the Poodle, the Bichon Frise is known for being tolerated well by allergy sufferers. They require a moderate amount of exercise and adore taking daily walks. They have commonly been known to exert their energy in the form of sudden energy bursts where they will, seemingly out of nowhere, begin running furiously, at great speed, throughout the house. These hysterical bursts are short lived, being sometimes as short as 30 seconds, at which point they will stop as suddenly as they began and collapse in a heap to rest. This is quite an amusing trait which is not exclusive to just the Bichon Frise but to other breeds as well and is viewed as entertaining and not at all a problem. This breed is considered to be easily trained and quite compliant as long as they are trained properly from the start. As with many smaller dogs they can tend to be slightly difficult to housetrain, but with consistent training they eventually learn what is expected of them. Their social nature and love of human company makes them very easy to live with, however, they are not a dog that will be happy if left alone for long periods of time. They have an expected lifespan of 12 – 13 years.
The Poodle comes in three different sizes, toy (10” and under, 6-9 1bs.), miniature (10-15”, 15-17 1bs.), and standard (over 15”, 45-70 1bs.). The Poodle has been cited as being the 2nd most intelligent breed of dog. Their exceptional intelligence, paired with the fact that they are generally very eager to please, empowers them to excel in obedience training. They learn quickly and will delight in showing off their new tricks. Poodles are generally very easy to housebreak. They are loyal and devoted companions, extremely people-oriented, and crave lots of love and attention. They are typically calm, good natured, with a sweet temperament, and the ability to bond with all members of their human family. The standard poodle, in particular, does extremely well in families with young children, while the toy and miniatures fair better with older children. Poodles do not do well in households where they will be left alone for long periods of time, left outside, or bound to one room of the house. Poodles have an extremely low-shedding, dense coat which is either curly or corded and should be groomed every 6 – 8 weeks to prevent mats and tangles. If you should so decide, their coat can also be kept short for low-maintenance. Poodles come in a variety of colors such as silver, cream, gray, blue, black, white, apricot, red, caf-au-lait, brown, and parti-colored. The Poodle is oftentimes referred to as the hypo-allergenic dog. But, while there truly is no such thing as a completely hypo-allergenic dog, they are unquestionably more compatible with allergic persons than other breeds. Being classified as highly energetic, the poodle, like most dogs, will appreciate daily exercise, such as a walk, play session, or a run at the dog park.
Click here to see complete listing of all Poodle mixes.
SUBMIT A PHOTO OF YOUR BICH-POO DOG! Simply use the comments and image uploader section, below.

Coco the Bich-Poo!
Coco- after much investigation we’re assuming he’s a Bich-Poo.
Coco is six years old
REPLY (1/28/14): Hi Betsey, I believe your right about Coco. He looks identical to what my
Mr. Charley looks like today in both size and appearance♥♥ I’m posting a pic where they look very simular.

Mr. Charley

Bear the Bich-Poo!
This is Bear. He is a 1.5 yr old Bichon-poo.

Theodore the Bich-Poo!
This is my bichonpoo Theodore. He is almost a year old and weighs 13lbs

Mikey the Bich-Poo!
This is my bichipoo named mikey, he is 8 months old and weighs 6 pounds

Simba the Bich-Poo!
Photo Submitted: 7/26/13
My baby Simba is 2 months and 5-7 pounds.

Simon & Lucy!
This pup in front is Simon! He was about 6 months then. He’s 6 years now, but this remains a favorite picture. The pup in back is Lucy. She is Bich-Schnauzer, and she’s a year and a half in this picture.

Wampa the Bich-Poo!
Wampa is 1/2 poodle & 1/2 bichon. Really smart and loving dog.

Toby the Bich-Poo!
Photo Submitted by: Will 8/24/13
Our Dog Toby (Or Toby Tooters because he farts alot 0_-)

Misha the Bich-Poo!
This is Misha our Bichpoo. She is 2 years old now and weighs 20 pounds. She is a very loyal & intelligent dog.We love her very much and she loves us too. We are very lucky to have her 🙂

Balder the Poochon!
Balder my poochon

Bailey the Bichon!
I just found this website…I love poodle mixes. This is photo of Bailey, he is a bichon poodle mix.

Chloe the Bich-Poo!
This is my love bug, Chloe. She’s half bichon and half poodle. She’s 1 year old and she’s so silly!

Pearl the Poochon!
This is Pearl my beautiful Poochon, she is 14months and my husband gave her to me for our 30th wedding Anniversary.

Murphy the Bich-Poo!
This is Murphy. He is 4 months old and weighs about 7.

Barkley the Bich-Poo!
Barkley 1 yr old, male, bichpoo

Biggie the Bich-Poo!
This is Biggie. He is a 14 month old Bichon/poodle. He weights about 19 lbs.

Mr. Johnny Ringo the Bich-Poo!
This is my dog Mr. Johnny Ringo he is a bich-poo !

Bella the Bich-Poo!
this is our loving pup, Bella. We got her from the shelter and what a find she is! She is our heart!

Pepi the Bich-Poo!
My dog pepi is about four month in this photo.

Harley the Poochon!
Harley is our poochon rescue dog who is loving, loyal and fun at the same time.
He brings immeasurable happiness to our lives.

Coco the Bich-Poo!
Coco our Bichpoo or Poochon (at least we think she is). We believe she is 4 years old and just adopted her before Christmas 2013.

Murphy the Bichon!
This is our Bichon Poodle Murphy. He’s 9 years old, weighs 24 lbs and loves to lay over the heat registers and now wears one as a tag on his collar

Cotton the Bich-Poo!
My dog cotton is about. 5 years he’s super playful and so lovable he’s an amazing part of our family and we truly love him.

Abby the Bich-Poo!
This is our girl Abby. What a joy to have her in our lives! Rescued her when she was 6 months old (she’s 2 1/2 now). 20 lbs of pure love!

Lulu the Bich-Poo!
This is Lulu. She is 13 months old now and very smart as well as very loving. My mum’s bichpoo.

Ruby the Bich-Poo!
This is Ruby she is 3 yrs old

Carlee the Poochon!
This is Carlee my Poochon. Love, love, love this baby girl!! She is 4 months and weighs 6 lbs.

Audrey the Bichoodle!
My adorable little bichoodle Audrey-Georgina.
She is 8lbs of fun and love on legs!

Mr. Charley the Bichoodle!
This is Mr.Charley. He is a bichoodle. We think he is about 2yrs old. I adopted him from The Dumb Friends League when he was about 9months old. He is smart, great with kids, loves to snuggle and just an all around great dog. He always has a toy or a bone in his mouth and loves the snow!! We really were blessed with this guy. I want another!!

Zeko the Bich-Poo!
This is Zeko! 8 years old, 26 lbs (healthy weight) I’m lucky to have him:))
The description made me laugh where it talks about the quick bursts of energy! Out of no where he will jump up and make circles around the house, often drifting around corners haha! Love him

Yuki the Bichon Poo!
This is Yuki, my bichon poo nephew. He is going 8 years old and is the most loyal and loving dog we’ve ever had. Truly a gift!

This is Luna, I am guessing that she is a Poo-chon. She was brought to an animal shelter after being hit by a car. Her information on the microchip was out of date so she was put up for adoption. Shelter thought she was two years old but actually she is 7 years old. She is very loving, smart and playful. I love her curls.

Jass the Bich-Poo!
This is Jass she is 5 and a half yrs old,we had her when she was 4 months old.She is absolutley gorgious,and she has brought so much pleasure to our lives.We love her to bits

Meet Prince Dwight, aka Dewy aka My Mr. Boodle Doodle. He is 2 year old and about 11 1/2 lbs. he came into our lives as a stray. I found him when he was about 8 months and brought him into my house . After turning him into the proper authorities I had already fallen inlove. , fortunately for me no one came to claim such an innocent face. My father and I were estatic and proud to buy adopt him. 2 years later he’s made himself at home . Was a little rough at first , but it was clear he had been mistreated, and out family had become his safe haven , his home. He’s good with us, super protective of me. Wishing sometimes you wouldn’t be so snippy with other people. But he’s very intelligent and has a mind of his own. He had a very good sense of character. But overall as spoiled as he wants to be. He gets groomed and cut every month. But gets regular 2week baths in between time . He has his own groomer, that he personally became fond of. In which he will only let her groom him. Shout out to Ebony.

Sofie the Bich-Poo!
this is my baby Sofie. She is 12 weeks old and the love of my life!!

Bella the Bich-Poo!
This is my little bich-poo Bella. She is 3 months old and wieghs about 3 pounds. She is a little fat girl, who loves to play, teeth on my fingers, eat, and sleep a lot. When i saw her i knew it was love at first sight, she gets along very well with my other dog Princess (she is a teacup yorkie). They’re the best of friends!

Teddy the Bich-Poo!
This is Teddy. He is 5 months old and loves to shake his paw!

Rags the Bich-Poo!
This is our dog Rags. We got him from a rescue group a week ago. They told us he was a lhasa apso/poodle mix but I believe he is a bich-poo. He is so sweet and smart. He does have severe separation anxiety when I leave (he immediately attached himself to me) or the whole family leaves. We are working on this. I am sure being abandoned by his former owner caused it. We love the little fella!

Muffin the Bichpoo!
Muffin Bichpoo

Jack the Bich-Poo!
here is our happy jack 🙂 we just got him groomed and we think he’s a bichoodle, too. we adopted him from animal control two months ago today, and he has filled our hearts and home with love. we were told he was 5 months old when we got him, so he is 7 months old today. he was welcomed by our 7 year old toy poodle and our 3 year old feral rescue. b.b., the poodle, is acting like a puppy again and she and jack are having a ball! charlie the cat, however, is still thinking about it 😉 we could **not** love him more!

Basil the Bich-Poo!
This is Basil, aka bissell-basil as he tend to vacuum the floor for food if there are crumbs, aka wiggly butt, aka paw-paw. And so on. Bishpoo rescue, he is 10 years old and 11 pounds of pure joy! I am so happy we found each other a year ago. He was found in the streets and by the look of it, he had been abandoned for a while… He was in the shelter for 6 months with no suitors. He wasn’t a very good looking dog with bad skin and missing fur etc. Due to bad dermatitis and bad nutrition. It has taken me a bit of work to get him back to his gorgeous looks. And worth every minute and dollar!!! He is a clown and loves to get peoples attention by goofy tricks. Loves dogs, even tthe two great danes at the park who loves to sniff him. I love this little nugget to bits!!!!

Molly the Bichon Poo!
Our Bishon poo’s name is Molly and she’s now almost 8 months old. she weighs a little over 10 lbs now.

Grover the Bich-Poo!
Grover was adopted from Shelter to Dream Dogs and is gentle, affectionate, and likes to dance on his hind legs. He is a good watch dog with his little alerts. He loves his kennel when I’m not home. Not the brightest pup, but likes to chase birds and squirrels and this is highly amusing.

Bailey the Bichon Poodle!
This is Bailey he is a bichon poodle and he’s 3.5 years old and weighs 23lbs. He is a happy and very loveable little guy. I didn’t know I could love an animal soooooo much!

Sadie is the love of my life. She is about 7 months old in the picture. She is now 10 months and weighs 10 lbs. I have had her since she was about 10weeks. She has been so easy to train and so happy to impress me. I groom her myself (no training-lol) and love to spoil and pamper her. She has brought more joy to me than i could have ever imagined!

Teddy the Bichpoo!
My Teddy Bear, 10 mos Bichpoo sweetie!

Khloe the Bich-Poo!
This is Khloe, she was tiny when we got her and I’m not quite sure how old she is. We had her for 8 months now 🙂


Jamison Lee aka Jamie Bears!
This is my sweet poochon, Jamison Lee (better known as Jamie Bears). We adopted him in April from Carolina Poodle Rescue. He had been a stray, and came into the shelter with heartworms. We are so thankful for everything Carolina Poodle Rescue did for Jamison! He has been healthy now for 1 year.
He is the BEST pup we could ask for. We estimate he is around 7 years old and weighs about 20lbs. He is the love of our lives!
This picture was taken after his latest grooming session 🙂

Yogi the Poochon!
This is Yogi. Rescued 1 week ago. They say he was 11 weeks old Monday. He is a 2.5 lb. poochon. I am happiest I have ever been!

This is Miloh he is two years old and weighs 14 pounds. He has beautiful colored eyes and loves to play. He is the perfect dog for me for he hardly sheds, loves to play, and he is a petite size for my apartment. His hair tend to grow pretty long, causing him to look more like a stuffed animal, but I prefer it short for it is easier to brush and wash. He is a part of my family, and I could not imagine my life without this sunshine.

Harley the Bich-Poo!
This is our BichPoo Harley. He is 2 years old. We got Harley when he was 8 weeks old as a gift from dear friends. He has been the best addition to our empty nest. I keeps us laughing every day. He is not just our pet, but like a child to us, and one of the best gifts we have ever received. We take him just about every where with us.

Duncan the Bichpoo!
This is Duncan my Bichpoo at 11 months and 25 lbs. One of the most adorable and loving dogs around!

Sebastian the Bichon Poodle!
This is my Bichon Poodle, Sebastian! He’s five years old, and he’s the LIGHT OF MY LIFE. He surely saved me.

Susie the Bichon Poodle!
This is Susie, an 8-yr-old bichon poodle mix, the best dog I’ve ever known.

Titch the Poochon!
My poochon Titch is 15months and weighs 3.75kg

Teddi the Bich-Poo!
This is Teddi. She is 2 1/2 years old and weighs 13 pounds. She is very energetic and loves to be around people. Such an adorable dog!

Flake the Bich-Poo!
This is Flake, she is about 3 years old. We adopted her at the end of last year. She is the most adorable and funniest dog I’ve ever had.

Snoopy the Bich-Poo!
Snoopy came to me when I most needed the love and happiness. He is between 1 1/2 years old.

Lorraine the Bich-Poo!
This is my Quiche Lorraine, she is a Bich Poo who wil be 6 very soon. She’s the greatest!

Kaylie the Bich-Poo!
4 years, 4 months

This is my 6 week old Bich-Poo

Here is Cosmo who is now 3 Years old .. adopted from rescue centre called ACE in Mijas in Spain when he was 1 year … he is so smart, loving and devoted to me as I am to him. Love him to pieces. His 6 brothers all found homes in Belgium and Germany by kind adoptees.


Kiko the Bichonpoo!
My childs name is Kiko, he is a bichonpoo. He is 9 yrs old and weighs 32lbs. I think one of his parents must of been a large poodle because he is a big bichonpoo.

Pepe the Bich-Poo!
This is Pepe, his mom was a Bichon and his dad was what we think is a mix between a miniature and a standard poodle…because although his sisters were really small, he’s 27 lbs! he’s a snuggle baby though 🙂

Eva the Bichon Poodle!
This is Eva. She is a bichon poodle, 4 years old, and weighs about 16 pounds.

I was given Barkley as a poodle mix but after seeing photos of Bichpoos I would guess he belongs with this group

Captain the Bich-Poo!
This is captain or caps he is 5 yrs n he is a spoiled brat

Marley the Bich-Poo!
Marley 8weeks

Bear the Bichon-Poo!
I never planned on getting a Bichon-Poo but I fell in love with him! My three boys are grown and he is my baby now 🙂 We named him BEAR because his paws look like Bear Paws and he looks like a Teddy Bear! He has been a Godsend. I love him so much <3
[caption id="attachment_3017" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Spenser the Bich-Poo!"][/caption]
Photo Submitted by: Carolyn 3/29/15
This is Spenser. He is 15 years young and the sweetest dog in the world. We are pretty sure he is a Bich-Poo, based on our veterinarian’s best guess. We adopted Spenser from a shelter when he was 11 years old and he has been the perfect dog for our family.

Bailey the Bich-Poo!
This is 5mo old Bailey, he is my puppy love! Playfully, lovable, energetic and smart! He was a Christmas gift to myself.

Petzi the Bichon!
She is Petzi, 11 months bichon.

Bichon Poodle
I’ve had a Bichon Poodle for ten years now & she is absolutely THE BEST DOG/BEST Friend anyone could ever ask for! This is a wonderful breed of dog, I cannot say enough good things about Bichon Poodles.

My baby Blitz. He’s 3 1/2 years old and a complete joy. He’s my shadow. He’s the first dog I’ve had and I was able to train him easily. He’s affectionate, loves to put his head on my shoulder and cuddle. I wash and brush him regularly to keep his coat clean and without tangles. He’s extraordinarily sensitive to my moods and responses with extra affectionate when I need it. My life is truly enriched for having him beside me.

Bichon Poodle
My dog fuffy is a bichon poodle

Millie the Poochon!
Millie Poochon

Photo Submitted by: Sarah 5/22/15
this is my CoCo she is 5 years old and weighs 3.8oz she was all black when I got her at 8weeks. The Love of my life. Take a look!

Millie the Poochon!


Laloo the Bich-Poo!
Laloo The Bichapoo – Lead singer of the Bichon Turners! 😉

Millie the Poochon!
Millie age 17 weeks

Hannah the Bich-Poo!
this is my bichipoo Hannah. She’s 6yrs old, 10 pounds, and the best part of my life.
Photo Submitted by: Angie 6/9/15
This is our girl, Luna. She is 18 months old and we live her to pieces. She is attached to me and I wouldn’t have it any other way. She is great to snuggle with, she loves to play and is BFFs with several neighborhood dogs. She is also great with our boys.
Photo Submitted by: Sandra 6/11/15
This is Curly, our cute & very smart little Bich-Poo. He has such a fun, humorous personality and loves to go wherever we do. His prized posession is his little ball, which he loves to play fetch with all day, every day. He has the uncanny ability to observe our habits & patterns so that he seems to be psychic as he determines our next move or actions. This cute little guy is the best companion ever!

Curly the Bich-Poo

Romeo & Riley!
Our bichpoo Romeo on the left with our shi tzu mix Riley.

Bailey the Bich-Poo!
This is Bailey a 7 year old male Bichipoo. He was rescued at 10 months old from the NY shelter. He has issues that remained with him for 7 years. I love him anyway. He is like a cuddle bear and very affectionate.

Lucky the Bich-Poo!
This is Lucky, he is 7 years old Bichpoo and love of my life. He has a little separation anxiety when I leave but loves to sit on my lap with cuddles an d kisses. Best company ever!!!

Maddie & Sadie the Bich-Poos!
This is Maddie she is 9yrs old and Sadie who is 3yrs…both bich-poo..Sadie has brought Maddie back to when she was 3yrs old and has so much more energy… still loves to play… besides my boys they are the love of my life..the best company you could ever have…love them so much..

Bailey the Bich-Poo!
This is Bailey, he is almost 11 years old, he’s super playful and he has brought so much joy to my family and I, he’s been my best friend since I was 5 years old! He also has a sister (Molly) who is also a bich-poo, we adopted her 2 years after Bailey from the same breeder! we love them both so very much!

Zeke the Bichoodle!
Our Zeke at 4 years of age 50/50 Bichoodle

JJ (Jumping Jack) the Bichoodle!
JJ (Jumping Jack) is a Bichoodle and he is the sweetest but spastic pup ever. Though not a pup anymore at age 10 and 18 lb

Willow the Poochon!
Willow is a 4 year old adopted rescue dog. We have had her only a month and is already a Therapy Dog at a Hospital. She is a very smart 11 1/2 lb sweet young lady despite her early years of, we think, abuse. She gives many thank you kisses to everyone she sees. She just had her first haircut by our dog groomer. She is a poochon.

Bonbon the Bichonpoo!
is bonbon a bichonpoo either? :))

This is Benji! He is 3 months in this picture and weighed in at 5.4 pounds… I rescued him, but I really do think he is a bichpoo!

My 10 month old 1/2 poodle, 1/2 bischon twin girls.
They make me laugh everyday. Love them!!

This is Buster! He’s helped my heart heal from loosing my Bichon of 15 years. Couldn’t imagine life without him. He is the sweetest little guy and so affectionate. Learning quickly but still not totally potty trained. He is currently 15 weeks old.

Margaret Alice Barker (Maggie) the Poochon!
This is Margaret Alice Barker (Maggie). She is our five year old Poochon (Poodle/Bichon) puppy!!

Patchis the Poochon!
patchis, the poochon!

Pepe the Poochon!
This is Pepe, she loves to run circles, sleep in my bed and woof at other doggies. i don’t think she realises she is a dog and is one of the fussiest eaters I’ve ever known.

Peluquin the Bichon!
Here is Peluquin! He is so smart and just wanders around walking on two legs like a human. Nothing under 3 feet off the ground is safe from investigation! He likes watching Bichon videos and will press the mousepad to stop and start and each time look at you. Yesterday he made peace with the Roomba and now rides it like a bumper car, which we’ve had to discourage. I am beginning to be concerned about how smart…we forgot his dinner one night but had Taco Bell in front of him and we passed out, only to wake up at 3 am to him standing between us in bed with a SPORK in his mouth! If we are found sporked to death…you have your suspect. AAAAAAAAAAGGH!

Honeybear & Pepperdog the Bichons!
Honeybear and Pepperdog ! Both bichon poodle cross, best friends and best dogs ever !

Sophia the Bich-Poo!
Our Bich-Poo, Sophia. 4 years old. She is the sweetest girl and loves her family. The feeling is of course mutual.

Mandy Pandy the Bich-Poo!
This is Mandy Pandy our BichPoo. We named her Mandy Pandy because she looks like a Panda Bear. She is 10 mos old now and has several tricks under her belt. She was house trained by 4 months and hardly ever barks. She loves children and YES, she can’t hold her “LICKER!” Love our little fur baby! 🐶

Meadow the Bichon-Poo!
This is Meadow. She is a Bichon-Poo and is almost 2. ❤️ her so much!

Jake the Bichonpoo!
Jake is my very silly playful spoiled Bichon-poo. He loves his family and very much loves snack time. He is 10 years old but is still very active. He has brought us hours and hours of fun and laughter.

Sophia the Bichon!
Sophia in her Bicycle basket 2009. Weekly bike-ride by the beach. Bishon-Poodle fun!

Cooper Thor the Bich-Poo!
My Bich’Poo- Cooper Thor! He is 10 weeks old today and an absolute great puppy. He is almost house broken and has transitioned into our home (with includes a 4 year old Blue Russian Cat – Loki! Almost seemlessly. I highly recommend this breed.

Teddy the Bichonpoodle!
My name is teddy_the_bichonpoodle. I am 4 months old. Follow me on Instagram if you wanna follow my everyday life🤓

Peaches the Bich-Poo!
Peaches, 1 year old Bich-Poo. She’s a very intelligent, playful, 18 pound sweetie!

Fiona the Poochon!
This is my precious Poochon, Fiona. She is a “pound puppy” I rescued about two years ago. She is approximately four years old. Love her to pieces!!! Funny, smart, mischievious, loving, and beautiful…she has even won my reluctant “dog lover” husband over to her side. We are so glad she came into our lives! We are empty nesters and Fiona is like having a small wonderful child again.

Millie the Poochon!
millie poochon 1 year 30th Jan 2016

Sadie the Poochon!
This is my dog Sadie. She is a 5 year old poochon and is the light of our lives!

Bella the Poochon!
This is Bella she is really playful and when she sees strangers she gets so hyper and jumps and runs everywhere she is a poochon (: she is 2 1/2 in this picture but now she is 4 months

Teddy the Poochon!
This is Teddy he is a poochon and is 1 1/2 years old

Sofia Maria the Bich-Poo!
This is my new baby, Sofía María she is a Bich-poo and weigh 2.2 pounds

Bella the Poochon!
This is Bella. She is a poochon. She is 15 months old now.

This my bishon-mini-poodle

Carson the Bich-Poo!
This is Bich-poo Carson!!!

Mozart the Poochon!
Mozart is the best dog ever! We got him as a stray from Lap Dog Rescue in New Mexico. He was so skinny and wild; never been on a leash, never taught to sit. We have had him 3 months and now he is 15 pounds and the top of his class in obedience school. Until we found this site, we knew he was poodle something, now we know he is a “Poodle-Chon!” We adore him and our grown sons come home just to play with him. About those bursts of energy and running through the house — yep, that is Mozart Bannertail at his most flamboyant!

Millie the Poochon!
Millie The Poochon age 1

Cookie (Cookoo) the Bichon poodle!
This is our bichon poodle mix cookie or ” cookoo” as we’ve nicknamed him because at 7 years old he’s still as energetic as a puppy.

Max the Bich-Poo!
This is Max a Bich-Poo, and he is 3 and half months old. 4 pounds and full of energy!

Max the Bich-Poo!
Max at 2 months old…the cutest Poochon

Max the Bich-Poo!
latest pic of my boy Max

Beau the Bich-Poo!
Beau is 11 year old Bich-Poo Truly a joy to have

Eduardo Santiago Montoja Cortez the Bichonpoo!
Eduardo Santiago Montoja Cortez the Bichonpoo

Rocky the Bich-Poo!
Here Is My Bish-Poo Rocky, he’s so sweet and he’s 2 years old, we were in FaceTime lol. Every time I called my mom I asked to speak to him he would always be able to hear me and whine look for me. Also he wouldn’t be able to see me until one day and he was barking and jumping at the camera he saw me for the first time I was so happy! ❤️

Cece the Bich-Poo!
This is Cece who came from a breeder. She is a bich-poo. This picture was taken at age 13-1/2. The sweetest dog you could find. She just passed at age 15 1/2 on 4/5/16. Our hearts are broken.

Pixie the Bichonpoo!
This is our cuddlebug Bichonpoo, Pixie. We adopted her after neglect and owner surrender age 2 and have we been blessed! Now 6 months later, this little girl has blossomed into just the best dog ever–smart, sweet, gentle, playful and super loving with the whole family. She’s quiet, too, unless you throw a squeaker toy or she gets a “Bichon burst”, racing like the wind in figure-8s around the house! When extra happy, she prances on her back legs and waves her paws. Pixie is 16 lbs. of fun, soft fur, and love!

Smartee the Bichon poodle!
This Is Smartee my bichon poodle. He is three years old.

This is love of my life chickee

This is our handsome rescue, Beau. He was a skinny stray when we adopted him at around a year old. He’s now 3 1/2, a certified Therapy Dog, and turns heads wherever we take him…..couldn’t love him more!!

This is JJ! He’s 10! He runs our life!

I just adopted “Bernie” last month and the rescue shelter said he’s a poodle mix. It looks like he might be mixed with Bijon. What do you think?

Zoey the Bich-Poo!
Zoey is 5 years old. She is absolutely a joy to have in our family. Zoey is a Bichon Poodle mix.

Charlie the poodle mix!
This is Charlie a poodle, bichon, Maltese mix. We call him a “poochontese”. He’s 3 months in this photo.

Ralphy the Poochon!
Photo Submitted by: Lisa Field 7/1/16
This is Ralphy – our apricot Poochon 4.5months. Gorgeoussss.

Clairabell the Bichon Poodle!
This is my Bichon Poodle, Clairabell. She is my 6.7 pound emotional support dog!

Milo the Bichon!
Milo is a tea cup poodle mixed with a bichon(poochon)

This is Chloe, a rescue dog. She is 7 or 8 years old we think. The Humane Society said she is a “poodle mix” and I had her DNA tested. It came out 3/4 poodle and 3/4 pomeranian, but quite a few people, including our vet, say she is a bich-poo. She is a joy and loves to kiss, and dance, and chase and catch the ball. She is very clever and I’m happy I found her.

After a few weeks of investigating, I’m almost certain my Truffles is a Bich-Poo. She definitely has a lot of poodle traits as her legs are really long and she’s the smartest dog I’ve ever seen, but her face and coat are more of a Bich-poo. I love this little princess ❤

Alfie the Poochon!
Alfie moon our 13 week poochon , absolutely love his cheeky but lovable character X

Mika the Bich-Poo!
Mika the bich- poo

Millie the Poochon!
This is my 6 Month old Poochon Millie

Winston the Bich-Poo!
This is Winston Brady. I adopted him from a rescue in May. They believe he is Bichi-Poo. He is very poodle like in his temperament. Easy going and sweet as can be but always up for a long walk or hike. He loves to play as well. He has changed my life. I adore him! He is my best friend.

Maggie the Bichonpoo!
This is my bichonpoo Maggie she is 1 year old weighs 11.4 pounds very active loves standing up

Theo the Bich-Poo!
Photo Submitted by: Brianne 8/29/16
Theo the Bichpoo! First picture is 10 weeks and the second is 6 months. Highly recommend this breed, he’s such a sweet and smart boy.

Casee the Bich-Poo!
Casee is a Bich-Poo who weighs 16 lbs. He was a rescue from the streets of Rochester. We saved each other. He has my whole heart. I am so heartbroken. He loves me and is so protective. We have had 3 months of not being alone but there has been heartbreak. No one knows what be had gone thru. He also loves my son but sometimes he acts afraid of us. He is so afraid of everything and he bites, not us, but other people out of fear not aggression. I paid $400+ for a behaviorist. There is so much more. He cannot be saved. He will be put to sleep Friday 9-9-16 while he knows how much I love him and all I wanted was him to know all I wanted was for him to feel peace and happiness and never fear. I wish we were in a bubble.!!!!

Whisky the Bich-Poo!
This is Whisky, my 2 month old Bich-Poo. He is such a good-natured little boy!

Harry the Bich-Poo!
Got my handsome Harry at 11weeks old. he is very sweet and playful. he loves to run and fetch. I’ve never been this in love with a dog until now. Harry is a bichpoo dog, he is now one year old. I love changing his cut to make him more cute he sure is a baby forever.

Bradley the Poochon!
This is my baby boy Bradley who is a a 2 and a half year old Poochon. He thinks he is human and follows me literally everywhere. He is the most loyal and affectionate baby ever but cheeky and naughty full of spirit full of energy chases my husband round on his quad at 35 miles an hour. So funny and entertaining and licks me to death. Love him soooooo much.

Lovey the Bichon-maltipoo mix!
I have a Bishon multipoo mix . She is the most loveable little dog ever. That is why her name is Lovey. She always puts a smile on my face. She is 2 1/2 years old. I will get her a brother from a poodle mix rescue. They make a wonderful friend!

Precious Newman the Bichon poodle!
This is Precious Newman! She is 1/2 poodle and half bichon. She’s six yrs old. We named her Precious cause she was sooo precious with her eyes and just a ball of black fur when a puppy plus very energetic! Love her to pieces!!

Sooshi the Bich-Poo!
My dog is an bichon. Her name is sooshi because she looks like fluffy white rive in sushi.

Sammy the Poochon!
This is Sammy, our 3 yr old rescue dog. He weighs 9.5 pounds, and we believe he is a Poochon (Poodle x Bichon Frisé). He is usually calm but leaps straight up in the air when he’s excited about food or going outside.
Sammy loves to cuddle and excels at his K9 Nose Work classes.

Frankie the Bichon-Poo!
Frankie my Bichon-Poo! Love love love him!
He does have the spurts of running throughout the house as mentioned in other posts, so funny!
He also plays with his toys by himself at times kicking a toy behind him & then retrieving it….
Very loving dogs! ❤️

My poodle Bichons 10 years old, almost 11! Sweetest ever.. My best buddy! My baby boy

Max the Bichpoo!
Max is one year old and he came to my life just when i needed him and he needed me…

Dexter the Poochon!
Photo Submitted by: Danielle 11/7/17
This is my 4 year old Poochon Dexter. Very loving and playful…loves to play catch and tug of war.

Sofie the Bichonpoo!
Photo Submitted by: Denise 2/17/18
She soon to be 4 on March 3rd. She has been the best dog for me and my family ever! I don’t know how to load a current photo but to let you know she does have a poodle cut with light coloring and you can definitely see both the virgin and poodle in her. She is a very active dog. Loves to go shopping, walking and playing with my granddaughter who is 7. They are very close.
Found it! Posting update of Sofie, bichonpoo! She is 4 yrs old on March 4. Love of my life!! Plays with my granddaughter and is loved by all the family and neighbors! She LOves shopping, and watching animal planets Dr dee!!

Packer the Bich-Poo!
Photo Submitted by: Jacqueline 3/13/18
My Bich-poo puppy Packer

Luna the Bichonpoo!
Photo Submitted by: Luna 4/6/18
This is Luna, she is our Bichonpoo; 11 weeks old in this pic. She is super smart and loves attention!
Comments and Image Uploader – Share a photo of your cute poodle mix with the world!
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She soon to be 4 on March 3rd. She has been the best dog for me and my family ever! I don’t know how to load a current photo but to let you know she does have a poodle cut with light coloring and you can definitely see both the virgin and poodle in her. She is a very active dog. Loves to go shopping, walking and playing with my granddaughter who is 7. They are very close.
love the pictures of everyone’s babies , I understand the feelings as I recently lost my “best friend” I want to have another dog and your pictures look exactly like what I have in mind but I don’t know where to find a breeder in Northern California. I would like to look into a Bich-Poo. Can anyone help me?
We have had a great experience adopting a young Bichonpoo. Do you live near a big city? We live near Dallas and there are several small dog rescues that seem to always have bichon poodle mixes available on their websites. Our Pixie was adopted age 2 and we’re glad to have skipped the puppy stage. You’re right, they are so cute and also their personality is usually gentle but fun. Hope you find your new “best friend”!
Question, just lost my Bich-Poo and it’s so very sad around the house does anyone out there know where I can get another one, I’m in California
I need help with my Bichon Poodle. She is eight months old. She is not mistreated. We love her so much. She just has this growling, nipping that she does. How do I stop this? I have a small grand daughter and I fear Lizzie will bite her. She doesn’t bite me hard but she lets me know she wants me to leave her alone. It might be when I pick her up or go to move her or just go to love on her. My heart is breaking. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Worried!! to say the least.
It is a relief that my Golden Retriever is finally FULLY trained and obedient (she can even do fun tricks) thanks to “The Online Dog Trainer ” (visit: http://www.TrainDogsOnline *DOT* com ) – It is a WONDERFUL resource for learning how to train your dog without ever leaving home. It showed me great ways to teach my dog almost every single trick imaginable and how to correct the most common behavioral issues. It is full of carefully compiled videos that allow you to watch and listen to their expert solving the exact problem you’re having with your dog, with another real dog and its owner. You can see the precise body language he uses, how the tone of his voice changes, and how the dogs respond, changing their behavior almost immediately. It’s remarkable to see how quickly my dog picked up on these methods. She is PERFECT now! From what I understand, the information on that webiste works for any age or breed of dog. I feel blessed to know my dog is trained properly and effectively 🙂 Gotta love the Internet!
I’ve had a Bichon Poodle for ten years now & she is absolutely THE BEST DOG/BEST Friend anyone could ever ask for! This is a wonderful breed of dog, I cannot say enough good things about Bichon Poodles.
I have a Bichon Poodle also and my dogs name is Shadow. These dogs are the most loving and friendliest pups EVER.
Wow – thanks to all those loving hearts making wonderful homes for these pups! We rescued a dog that turned out to be a Poochon and Kipper became my dad’s constant companion. Dad passed at 90 and Kipper took it very badly, we thought we might lose him too (at only age 9). These dogs can make an incredibly strong bond to one person. Fortunately he came around and is a lively part of the family again. I will be forever grateful for the love and joy he gave Dad.